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Your Fractional Hiring Boutique

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Welcome @ Purpose Jobs

We connect part time passionate professionals to innovative organizations


The world is changing, but the talent market hasn’t changed: the typical 9-5 model no longer suits all companies, or people.

Wellbeing and a good work/life balance need focus. As we move away from the traditional workplace model, the market for part time talent is ever growing with passionate individuals.

Purpose Jobs aims to positively impact the part time diversity of companies, thereby increasing flexibility and enabling growth in delivering innovative products and services.

Giving a Presentation

Part time

We want to make a valuable contribution to:

1. Enabling more people to work part time allowing more flexibility for both talent and organizations


2. Creating a more diverse workforce for organizations which increases innovation


3. Empowering talent to become specialists in their field and create a healthy work/life



Professional & Executive

search assignments

Interim talent acquisition solutions

Fields of expertise

Sales & Business Development /

People & Culture / Finance / Hospitality

Type of organizations we partner with

Start-ups / Scale-ups / Family owned businesses / Corporates

Getting Coffee


Full commitment, part time costs

Organizations are able to realize and acquire:

• Specific knowledge without paying

full-time costs - fractional hiring but

full time knowledge

• Inclusivity - include more people in

the workforce by allowing people to

work part time


• More focus in core working hours from

part time passionate professionals

Modern Work Space


Do you want to create a healthy work/life balance?

Are you specialist in a certain field and want to excel?

Please contact us and we will find your purpose job!


You are able to combine:

• Multiple part time jobs - become specialist

in a certain field

• Starting up an own business

• Study next to having a part time job

• Caring responsibilities

• Follow for other passions

This allows you to accomplish a healthy work/life balance.


About the founder

Susanne van der Arend, has over 10 years of working experience in start-ups, scale-ups and corporates. She worked in several entrepreneurial roles in the field of innovation. After her latest role in Talent Acquisition at second-hand online marketplace Vinted, she made the decision

to follow her dreams and founded Purpose Jobs in January 2024. Susanne has an international focus and is based in Amsterdam.

‘In my career I noticed more flexibility is needed from both talent and organizations. By connecting

talent and organizations on a part time basis I aim to positively impact diversity and innovation in

organizations. Fractional hiring, full commitment - at a fraction of the costs - allowing innovation to

flourish in organizations.’


Are you interested in an innovative organization or are you looking for talented part time passionate professionals? Please contact us.


Please follow us:

  • LinkedIn Purpose Jobs
  • Instagram Purpose Jobs

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